What is the relationship between visual snow and anxiety and depression?

Hello, this is easy-to-understand ophthalmology story.

Today’s VSI YouTube channel introduces

Dr. Victoria Pelak’s answer to “How visual snow symptoms relate to emotions?”

Have you ever heard of “Visual Snow”, an ichthyosis that does not go away?
The latest paper on the effect of visual snow treatment (Lamotrigine)

Visual Snow and Emotions

What is the relationship between visual snow and anxiety and depression?
Source: https://youtu.be/thzVlbPnYi8

That’s a very good question.

As they experience visual snow symptoms, patients feel anxious and depressed.

In other words, if the visual symptoms of visual snow can be experienced by others, it is not only the visual symptoms

It means that it can also give you anxiety and depression.

It’s a very difficult question to answer, but as a doctor and scientist,

It’s part of a syndrome that gives the patient both visual and non-visual symptoms and is a part of the brain that doesn’t function in the usual way.

In other words, it is correct to think that the functional problem of the brain that caused the visual snow itself causes depression or anxiety rather than the depression caused by the visual symptoms of visual snow (blue field phenomenon, etc.).

The relationship between visual symptoms and this psychological pain is too strong to be considered simply a psychological problem caused by visual symptoms.


currently reported

It can be seen that in about half of patients with visual snow, psychological problems such as anxiety and depression also appear.

The question was about the relationship between the two.

Many people may think that visual snow symptoms cause anxiety and depression, but

According to Dr.’s view, the disease called visual snow itself is an organic problem of the brain, and it is asserted that such organic problems also cause mental problems such as anxiety and depression.

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