What has been the most effective way to reduce visual snow?


What we are going to introduce today on the VSI YouTube channel is

Posted on January 24, 2020

About “What was the most effective way to reduce visual snow?”

Dr. Yasser Khan’s answer.

visual snow treatment

What has been the most effective way to reduce visual snow?
Source: https://youtu.be/wjnyUjvy8U4

I get frequent questions from patients and many others.

“How do you treat Visual Snow?”

There are various methods for visual snow treatment, and through a lot of research,

We have almost arrived at a way to effectively and directly treat visual snow.


Until that time comes, you can control the symptoms of visual snow through various treatments and lifestyle modifications.

Although this method is very helpful, it is not effective for all patients, and the treatment that works for each patient is slightly different.

Still, I think it’s worth a try when it comes to reducing visual snow.

As you know, drug treatment has not been clearly proven to be effective.

I’ve tried antihypertensive drugs, antiepileptic drugs, and antidepressants, but they don’t seem to have much effect.

Until a definitive treatment is available, it is recommended that you try to control the symptoms through the methods described below.

visual adaptation training

It can be viewed on some YouTube and VSI websites.

Training watching the screen at home.

It didn’t work for all patients, but many Visual Snow patients did.

diet control

as an autoimmune diet

Reduce gluten and avoid foods that can stimulate the immune response, such as red meat.

How to eat green vegetables, reduce fat and increase protein.

This method has been very effective in some patients.

wearing sunglasses

As I said before, I wear tinted lens sunglasses in FL41 color.

Visual Snow It is very good for reducing visual symptoms.


You can remove psychological stress through yoga or other exercises, and it is also helpful to keep your surroundings clean.

CBD oil

It is an oil made from ingredients extracted from hemp and is an effective oil for epilepsy.

Be sure to use products that do not contain the drug substance, THC .

Regulations vary from country to country, but it is legal in Canada.

Many irritations can be relieved by this oil, which can improve symptoms.

I think this is probably the method that has been most effective for my patients.

mental attitude

Another important thing is to acknowledge and accept that you have visual snow.

And knowing that you can change it.

Accepting rather than overcoming

I think this is the first step to controlling this symptom.

Eat well, sleep well, exercise regularly, and have a positive mindset

And building an ongoing relationship with visual snow experts is what I generally recommend to my patients.


Because the exact mechanism of visual snow is not yet known, there is no effective treatment.

In this situation, it would be best to control the symptoms through various methods other than medication.

All methods seem to be the key to stress control.

But it’s not an easy way.

One interesting thing is the hemp-based CBD oil.

This is a substance that is not a hallucinogenic component contained in hemp and is currently being used overseas to treat many rare diseases.

It is impossible to prescribe in Korea, but patients personally obtain it and use it for cancer, dementia, and other pain disorders.

There has been a petition filed in the Blue House National Petition asking for permission to prescribe CBD oil for Parkinson’s disease.

In Korea, only products with THC, a narcotic ingredient, below the standard are permitted to be distributed.

Thanks for reading this long post.

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